⦁ Advertiser, brand consultant, academic and writer.
⦁ Author of many books, including 14 best-sellers.
⦁ Among these books, Reklamın Dili (Language of Advertising), Marka Yönetimi (Brand Management), Tüketici Davranışları (Consumer Behavior) and Markethink or Farkethink are taught as textbooks in 67 universities.
⦁ Reklamın Dili (Language of Advertising), Markethink or Farkethink, Enneagram İle Kişilik Analizi (Personality Analysis with Enneagram), and Kendine İyi Bak (Take Good Care of Yourself) are among the 10 best-selling D&R books in their categories.
⦁ Harvard Business Review Turkey accredited columnist.
⦁ Bloomberg Businessweek Turkey magazines accredited columnist.
⦁ Grafik Tasarım Dergisi (Graphic Design Magazine) Writer.
⦁ BrandMap Columnist.
⦁ Milliyet.com.tr Columnist.
⦁ Speaker for a total of 4 TEDx.
⦁ Winner of many advertising awards.
⦁ European Union Projects Manager.
⦁ World Bank Projects Manager.
⦁ Has senior management positions in brands such as Telsim, Rumeli Telekom, Gode Istanbul, IMKB & Borsa Istanbul in his career.
⦁ Again, has been the brand consultant of Telsim, Vodafone, Beşiktaş JK, Hertz, Dalgakıran Compressors, Türk Telekom, İMKB, Airfel, Sanko Holding, Doğa Koleji and many other brands in his career, and currently he is the brand consultant of 4 different brands, primarily Shell.
⦁ Former Vice President and General Secretary of the Advertising Creators Association, the largest association in the industry.
As a Columnist:
⦁Harvard Business Review,
⦁Bloomberg Businessweek,
⦁Para Analiz (Money Analysis)
⦁Grafik Tasarım (Graphical Design)
⦁Trip Dergisi (Trip Magazine) Columnist (Literature, culture and art, underground magazine with 50 thousand prints)
His Books:
⦁ Reklamın Dili (Language of Advertisement) (Best Seller Business Book)
⦁ Marka Yönetimi: Vazgeçme Çağında Yüksek Sadakat Markaları Yaratmak (Brand Management: Creating High Loyalty Brands in the Age of Abandonment) (Best Seller Business Book)
⦁ Enneagram ile Kişilik Analizi (Personality Analysis with Enneagram (Popular Personality Psychology)
⦁ Kendine İyi Bak (Take Good Care of Yourself) (Popular Personality Psychology)
⦁ Dijital Oyunlar: Kendi Dünyanda Yaşa, Bizimkinde Oyna (Digital Games: Live in Your World, Play in Ours) (Communication-Cultural Studies)
⦁ Tüketici Davranışları (Consumer Behavior) (Business Book)
⦁ Markethink ya da Farkethink: Deneyimsel Pazarlama ve Duyusal Markalama (Markethink or Farkethink: Experiential Marketing and Sensory Branding) (Best Seller Business Book)
⦁ Sinaps: Beynimizin ve Kararlarımızın Sıra dışı Hikâyesi (Synapse: The Unusual Story of Our Brain and Our Decisions) (Popular Science)
⦁ Marka Pratikleri ve Uygulamaları (Brand Practices)
Novels and Stories:
⦁ Azraa-eel Menkıbeleri: Osmanlı Mahzeninden Hayal Et Hikâyeleri (Azraa-eel Legends: Imagine Stories from the Ottoman Cellar) (Fantastic Fiction)
⦁ Aşkın Karanlık Yüzü (The Dark Side of Love) (Fantastic Story)
⦁ Karanlık Yılbaşı Hikayeleri (Dark New Year’s Day Stories) (Fantastic Story)
⦁ Anadolu Korku Öyküleri (Anatolian Horror Stories) (Fantastic Story)
⦁ Uğur Batı, who has conducted interviews with international newspapers such as The New York Times and The Times with the world’s first neuropolitics book, is the leading academician who conducts laboratory studies in the field of neuromarketing in Turkey.
⦁ He completed his undergraduate education at Boğaziçi University, and after 3 master’s degrees at Marmara University and Yeditepe University, he completed his doctorate at Marmara University and attended LSU. As an award-winning advertiser who has written advertisements and developed strategies for many national and international brands in his professional career, Batı has served as the Vice President of the Advertising Creators Association for many years. He worked as a brand expert in companies such as Telsim and Rumeli Telekom, as a creative director at Gode Istanbul, and finally as a brand and corporate communication director at the company for 4 years, managing the transition process from Istanbul Stock Exchange to Borsa Istanbul on the brand side.
⦁ Currently, he is also the consultant of many national and international brands. He has worked as a European Union Projects Manager and World Bank Projects Manager in his career. Uğur Batı, who has also played a role in the establishment of units such as the Sustainability Index, Corporate Governance Index and Private Market within Borsa İstanbul, has made more than 1000 presentations in Turkey and abroad so far. He participated in many international universities and conferences as an educator, keynote and speaker, and over the years he participated in programs on TV channels such as CNN Türk, Star TV, Habertürk TV, Bloomberg TV, NTV and TRT.